суббота, 31 марта 2018 г.

четверг, 29 марта 2018 г.

The most beautiful bay in the world taken from

The most beautiful bay in the world taken from the air! Le Golfe du Morbihan! It was not that easy to shoot from the light plane so I hope you will enjoy it 😊 With "Les Ailes de L'Estuaire" . . airplane

вторник, 27 марта 2018 г.

суббота, 24 марта 2018 г.

Quiet morning light on l'Abbaye Royale de

Quiet morning light on l'Abbaye Royale de Fontevraud fontevraud If you have the chance to sleep in the hotel of the Abbey and you will be able to visit it at anytime of the day and the night! Have a Abbey for yourself is a great gift for your eyes and your mind! (Regarding the photo, I noticed that I have to clean my sensor) . . beautifulhotels beautifulhotels . .

пятница, 23 марта 2018 г.

Welcome to Château du Rivau chateaudurivau I

Welcome to Château du Rivau chateaudurivau I haven't post any photo with wisteria yet. As I'm visiting Castles in the Loire Valley, I must post a photo of Castle + Wisteria! By the way, Château du Rivau is a little brother of Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China! . . .

четверг, 22 марта 2018 г.

🇨🇳 Good Morning! Yesterday

🇨🇳 Good Morning! Yesterday, I was talking about the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, China. So I have to post it now so you all know what it is! Have a nice Easter weekend! . . .

Paris s'éveille!Bon dimanche 😊..

Paris s'éveille! Bon dimanche 😊 . . . living_europe